A Short One!

Pool at Universal

So today, another short one. They’ll be short from now on I think, well except when I get back from a long trip of not writing much… thank god! It won’t take an hour to read this one (or a few hours to write!) This is good because I have homework and I’m already so exhausted!

So this morning we had another class session of the history class. We talked about the ancient civilizations of Mexico and the way its taught in schools (about as much if not less than the US) and other things like that. It was interesting and reminded me of all the archaeological sites I’ve been to in the past few years.

After that we had a little break. I laid out in the sun in the hammock studying Spanish a little. It was so beautiful and relaxing even though I was a little bit nervous for our Spanish placement test, especially the oral part. It didn’t help that Rose and Brooke were talking about how intimidating the lady could be.

Then we were off to the Spanish school which was absolutely gorgeous. Pretty much everything here is behind walls and gates which is nice because it’s like a little secret garden behind. There’s flowers everywhere and everything is so green and clean and fresh. All the classes are outside under little overhangs so it won’t be so painful to be in class on a beautiful day, which there are many of. We have class for three hours in the mornings four days a week, from 8-10:50 with a few small breaks. The school is also another hang out spot or place to go and study so that is very nice. They have a pool, a ping pong table and a racquetball court and just nice places to sit out and read. There’s even a view!

After lunch we watched a movie about feminism and then walked over to a better space for all of us to have a discussion… for three hours. It was broken up into little discussions though and was all very interesting, so it wasn’t bad.

And that is my day! I think I’m going to start writing every few says now that there isn’t so much going on and school’s started up. More soon!

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